Study tour in Brand Group factory

On March 30, 2023,  25 fourth-year students from the Department of Civil Engineering, Be’er Sheva campus, held a study tour in Brand Group factory in Yeruham, which is the largest factory in Israel for the design and production of steel constructions.

The tour is part of the “Academy-Industry” course, directed by engineer Amiel Mozes, which is designed to expose the students in their last year of study to the variety of activities that exist in the construction industry. The course is being held for the second year, and it combines 6 field visits and 6 preliminary lectures.

The visit to the metal factory opened with a detailed explanation by  engineer Noam Sahar, who is a graduate of SCE in the mechanical engineering department, and continued with a comprehensive tour of the production facilities on the factory premises accompanied by comprehensive explanations by the manager of the engineering department, Avishai Mori.

The students were interested, asked questions and were very involved.